§ 15-11. Prostitution and assignation.
Houses prohibited; suppression. All houses, rooms, apartments or other houses or places of any character or kind whatsoever within the limits of the Parish of Ouachita, Louisiana, used for the purpose of prostitution or assignation are hereby ordered closed and suppressed and the use of any such houses, rooms, apartments or any other houses for the purpose of prostitution or assignation is hereby prohibited.
Keeping houses. It shall be unlawful for any person, association of persons, firms or corporations to keep, run, conduct or maintain any house, room, apartment or other place used for the purpose of prostitution or assignation within the limits of the Parish of Ouachita, Louisiana.
Permitting use of premises for. It shall be unlawful for any person, association of persons, firms or corporations to rent or lease any house, rooms, apartment or other place knowing that the same will be used for the purpose of prostitution or assignation, or to authorize or permit the occupancy of any house, rooms, apartment or other place for such unlawful purposes within the limits of the Parish of Ouachita, Louisiana.
Using, occupying premises for. It shall be unlawful for any person to use or occupy any hotel, house, room or other place of public entertainment for the purpose of prostitution or assignation within the limits of the Parish of Ouachita, Louisiana.
Penalty. Any person found guilty of violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) or imprisoned not more than thirty (30) days or both fine and imprisonment within these limits as may be imposed at the discretion of the court; provided that each day any house, room, hotel, apartment or other place is kept, run, conducted or maintained in violation of this section shall constitute a separate offense and the offender shall be punished, accordingly.
(Ord. No. 686, §§ 1—5, 12-12-17)