The provider of ambulance services shall pay a license fee of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) each calendar year, or portion
thereof, during the term of this exclusive license. This license fee shall be paid to OCOG to defray the costs of administering
this chapter. The initial license fee shall be paid upon commencement of the initial term of the license with subsequent license
fees being due thereafter on or before January 31 of each succeeding year during the initial or renewal term(s) of the license.
For the calendar year 2007 and thereafter during the initial and renewal term(s) of the license, the OCOG ambulance committee
may increase the license fee if shown necessary to cover the costs of administering this chapter, but no such increase shall
be more than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) per calendar year or portion thereof. Any such increase shall be adopted by
the ambulance committee at an open meeting held on or before October 31 of the prior year.
(Ord. No. 8858, Art. III, § 3, 11-20-06)
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