§ 2-27. Unlawful acts.
The following acts are hereby prohibited; and no person holding a license or permit under this chapter of any nature whatsoever, and no agent, associate, employee or representative or servant of any such person, shall do or permit to be done any such acts on or about the licensed premises:
Sell or serve alcoholic beverages to any intoxicated person or to any person under the age of eighteen (18) years.
Invite, permit or allow any person under the age of eighteen (18) years to come upon or visit the premises of any place of business where alcoholic beverages are in the principal commodity sold, handled, distributed or consumed.
Invite, permit or allow any person to loiter on the exterior of the licensed premises of any place of business where alcoholic beverages are the principal commodity sold, handled, distributed, or consumed.
Permit any prostitute to frequent the licensed premises.
Permit any disturbance of the peace, obscenity, or any lewd, immoral or improper entertainment, conduct or practices on or about the licensed premises.
Sell, offer for sale, possess or permit the consumption on or about the licensed premises of any kind or type of beverage, the sale or possession of which is not authorized under the dealer's permit.
Employ or permit females, commonly known as "B" girls, to solicit patrons for drinks and to accept drinks from patrons and receive therefor any commission, or to receive remuneration therefor in any other way.
Employ anyone under eighteen (18) years of age where the sale or handling of alcoholic beverages constitutes the main business; and provided further, if the sale or handling of alcoholic beverages does not constitute the main business, an employee under eighteen (18) years of age shall not be permitted to handle, serve or work with alcoholic beverages.
Fail to keep the licensed premises well lighted, and all outside windows and doors open to view from the sidewalk or outside, or to keep the premises clean and sanitary.
Serve, sell or permit the sale or consumption of any of the alcoholic beverages described in section 2-1 hereof, on weekdays between 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m. of the following morning, or between the hours of 12:00 midnight Saturday and 6:00 a.m. of the following Monday morning, except as provided elsewhere herein.
Sell or permit the sale or consumption of any of the alcoholic beverages described in section 2-1 hereof, on the sidewalk, street curb or street adjacent to the premises for which the permit or license is issued.
Intentionally conduct illegal gambling, as now or may hereafter be defined by law, on the rental dealer's premises.
Operate a wholesale, retail or other alcohol-related business, as defined in section 2-1, without first applying for and obtaining a permit therefor.
(Ord. No. 8095, 12-21-87)