§ 7-85. W. G. Worley d/b/a Dooley Addition Water Supply.
There is hereby granted to W. G. Worley, a resident of Ouachita Parish, Louisiana, and doing business as the Dooley Addition Water Supply, his successors and assigns, a franchise, right, and privilege to construct, operate, and maintain in, over, along, and under the roads, streets and highways of the Parish of Ouachita, Louisiana, not within the limits of any incorporated city, town, or village, a pipeline or lines, together with connections for the transportation and delivery of water; and particularly within the subdivision and territory described as follows:
Beginning at the southeast corner of Dooley Subdivision as shown on Plat Book 4, Page 13 in the Clerk and Recorder's Office in and for Ouachita Parish, Louisiana; thence running south approximately 4015.57 ft. to the north line of lot marked "Jacob Grewe" lot on the plat of the City of Monroe, on file and of record in the clerk's office; thence running westerly along the north line of said Grewe lot to the northeast corner of T. F. Terzia lot, as shown on said plat; thence south along the east end of T. F. Terzia lot 1327.26 feet; thence westerly along the south line of T. F. Terzia lot to the east line of city park property; thence north 961.3 feet along the east line of city park property; thence west along the city park line 1115.37 feet; thence north to the Winnsboro Road; thence in an easterly direction along the north line of the Winnsboro Road to the point of beginning.
Also, beginning where the south end of Square 94 of Ouachita Cotton Mills Second Addition intersects the north line of Winnsboro Road, thence run north to Wilson Street; thence southwesterly along Wilson Street 833.79 feet to the city line; thence southeast along the city line to the southeast corner of Square 94 of Ouachita Cotton Mills Second Addition.
The above property being situated in Sections 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Township 17 North, Range 4 East, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
Also, Dooley's Subdivision as shown on plat recorded and filed in Plat Book 4, Page 13, on file and of record in the clerk's office in and for Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
Also, Kingston's Subdivision as shown in Plat Book 7, Page 35 of the records of Ouachita Parish, Louisiana, on file and of record in the clerk's office.
Also, the following described land, all located within Township 17, North, Range 4 East, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana, being more particularly described as follows:
That portion of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 5 lying east of Kingston Subdivision; all of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 5; all of the East Half of Section 8; all of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 8; that portion of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 8 lying south of F. C. Terzia's George Washington Carver Paradise Addition; all of the North Half of the North Half Section 17; and that portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section 18 described as bounded on the east by the east line of Section 18, on the south by the centerline of Standifer Avenue, on the north by the north line of Section 18, and on the west by the west line of the Theo Terzia Tract as shown on plat titled "F. C. Peters Part of Malikowski Tract in Section 18, T. 17 N., R. 4 E." filed in Conveyance Book 203, Page 1 of the records of Ouachita Parish, Louisiana.
This ordinance [section] is passed and franchise is granted pursuant to and by virtue of the several acts of the Legislature of Louisiana authorizing police juries of the parishes of said state to grant franchises for the laying of water lines along, over, and crossing the highways, streets, and roads for the transportation and delivery of water, and particularly as authorized by Act No. 5 of the Legislature of Louisiana for the year 1916 [being R. S. Section 33:4361].
The sale and distribution of water by the grantee of this franchise shall be subject to the supervision and control of the Louisiana Public Service to the extent and as provided by law, and the parish, through its engineer, may provide and require installations to be made and lines to be laid in accordance with the requirements adopted by the director of highways of the State of Louisiana, as to any parish roads crossed by said lines.
The grantee herein named, accepting said franchise, agrees and guarantees to hold harmless the Ouachita Parish police jury and its individual members from any and all loss, damage, and expense which they may suffer on account of the granting of this franchise and privilege and operations thereunder, arising from any cause whatever, in favor of any person, persons, partnership or corporation.
This franchise shall continue in force and effect for a period of ninety-nine (99) years from and after the date of the adoption of this ordinance.
(Ord. No. 6055, §§ 1—5, 7-12-50; Ord. No. 7069, § 1, 3-11-59)