§ 7-98. Agreement with Louisiana Power and Light Co.—Street lighting District No. 4.
The acting president be and he is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to enter into an agreement with Louisiana Power and Light Company, its successors and assigns, for supplying the parish with electric power and energy for the operation of street lighting in the duly constituted lighting district No. 4, Ouachita Parish, in the words and figures as set out in the attached agreement, copy of which agreement is made a part hereof and considered as incorporated herein.
The president of the police jury and/or such other officers or persons for and on behalf of the parish be and they are hereby authorized and directed to make all payments to become due under said agreement in accordance with the conditions thereof during the entire term of said agreement without further action by the police jury.
This resolution [section] being necessary to the public health and safety and public welfare and convenience requiring it, shall take effect from and after the date of its adoption.
All resolutions, actions or parts thereof, in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed, it being the intent of the police jury that this resolution [section] and agreement made part hereof supersede all existing agreements and contracts now in effect which in any way conflict with the matters herein agreed upon.
(Res. of 11-9-70, § 4)
Editor's note
The resolution of Nov. 7, 1970, did not amend this Code hence codification as § 7-98 was at the editor's discretion. The agreement referred to in the above section is on file with the parish secretary.