§ 7-83. W. A. Guy Waterworks System.  

Latest version.
  • (1)

    The police jury of Ouachita Parish recognizes the need of the residents of the area of Ouachita Parish hereinafter defined in subsection (3) to be supplied with water.


    The police jury of Ouachita Parish accepts the obligation to it made by W. A. Guy Waterworks System to repair all damage to public places, roads, streets or alleys caused by its exercise of the franchise hereinafter granted.


    The police jury of Ouachita Parish does hereby grant to W. A. Guy Waterworks System, owned and operated by W. A. Guy, a resident of Ouachita Parish, Louisiana, a franchise over the public places, roads, streets and alleys, lying within the area of Ouachita Parish, Louisiana, described as follows, to-wit:

    An area of land in Ouachita Parish, Louisiana, known and being in Sections 70 and 71, Township 18, North, Range 4 described as being all of Lakeshore Subdivision and all East;

    for laying, maintaining and operating lines of pipe or mains for supplying water in, over, under or along said public places, roads, streets and alleys.

(Ord. No. 7049, §§ 1—3, 5-9-56)